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Garden OLH Garden OLH

DIY Potting Bench

Every gardener needs a potting bench. For us, we have been planning to build one for a couple years and finally got around to doing it and I am thrilled with how it turned out. It took a day to build with two sets of hands and lucky for you, we are sharing our plans and cut list with you to hopefully save you even more time.

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compost OLH compost OLH

How to Revive a Cold Compost Pile: A Guide to Hot Composting

The key to composting in a small space, like a backyard garden, is to keep your cooking side active. In this article, we will give you a breakdown of what hot composting is and how to keep your pile hot. We will also talk about how we revived a cold compost bin and how our experiment with trying the hot composting method went.

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Recipes OLH Recipes OLH

Blueberry Clafoutis

Spring and early summer means it’s time to harvest blueberries. And when I get fresh berries, I love to bake up a batch of clafoutis! Clafoutis is a baked French dessert with fruit. It has a flan-like batter that’s thick and slightly sweet.

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Recipes OLH Recipes OLH

Swiss Chard Pesto

If you're a gardener like us and have ever planted swiss chard, you too know that when it produces, it produces a lot! Often time we are left wondering what to do with it all, or how do we preserve our swiss chard harvest. Today we are going to share with you how we preserve the remainder of our spring swiss chard harvest for months to come by making a homemade pesto sauce that is easily frozen for use later.

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Recipes OLH Recipes OLH

How to Grow and Freeze your Pea Harvest

So you grew the peas and had a bountiful harvest, and now A LOT of peas, but now what? How does one preserve their garden peas for the months to come? The beauty of backyard gardening is enjoying all the fresh vegetables that come with it, but how do you preserve the fresh vegetable taste?

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Garden Lucas Garden Lucas

Our Seed Starting Set-Up for 2021

Starting seeds is challenging for many gardeners and quite frankly, something we have struggled with for years. Since we began gardening in 2013, we have tried a few different seed starting set-ups but have landed on a simple and small set-up using a pack-away indoor greenhouse.

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Home & Garden, Garden OLH Home & Garden, Garden OLH

What are Pollinators?

Bee’s are SO good for the Earth. In fact, honey bees are responsible for 80% of the world’s cultivated crops pollination. Yes, crazy right? This basically means plants need bee’s to reproduce. Without bee’s plants wont be able to reproduce or yield fruit. Without plants, humans go hungry.

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Garden OLH Garden OLH

The BEST Two Bin Composter: DIY in 5 Easy Steps

Composting in your yard is a great way to not only provide great nutrition to your soil but also reuse every day waste around your house. This dual-bin system we have been using for over a year now and have been consistently getting 2-3 wheelbarrows of compost every 3 months.

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Recipes OLH Recipes OLH

How to Bake Bacon to Perfection

Bacon. Arguably the best meat of all meats. It’s the one that brings joy to everyone’s faces when crisped to perfection. But who likes slaying over the stove and making it in batches? The bacon grease splattering everywhere. Well, we are here today to share with you our recipe on how to bake bacon.

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Gift Guide OLH Gift Guide OLH

Gift Guide for the Gardener

We want to share our favorite items in the garden *Spoiler* these would also make great gifts! We know the feeling of shopping for someone, especially when a holiday or birthday sneaks up on you and you don’t have much time to think about it. So we are here to help!

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Recipes, Gift Guide OLH Recipes, Gift Guide OLH

Gift Guide for the Home Cook

Shopping for others can be challenging and stressful, especially if you don’t share similar hobbies! Lucky for you, I asked Lucas to come up with his favorite gizmos and gadgets from the kitchen to share with all of you - and we think any home chef or aspiring home cook needs these and will love using them. Everything we have listed below is something we use and love!

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Garden, Home & Garden OLH Garden, Home & Garden OLH

DIY Cattle Panel Garden Trellis

A trellis is a great addition to any backyard garden. They give you an opportunity to grow vertical and save space in your garden! Installing a trellis in your garden is easy, and we are here to share with you our design and DIY instructions for a beautiful and functional trellis that will last a long time.

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